Sunday, July 19, 2009

Copywrite vs. Asher Roth

Asher Roth is horrible. Like, really horrible. When Hip-Hop has been slowly decimated to the point where beer pong playing, frat boy douche-bags are getting shine it really seems like the beginning of the end...

On the other hand, it's pretty apparent that dude is a joke. No one really thinks for a second that this fool is capable of holding his own in a battle. Enter Copywrite. Copy reps my hometown of Columbus, Ohio to the fullest so right away I'm inclined to side with him. Even if he didn't rep the O, I'd be pulling for him... dude is seriously a beast on the mic. I've repeatedly seen the homie slaughter incredible emcees with (seemingly) minimal effort. So basically, Copy serving this kid seems a little...unnecessary to me. Almost unfair...

Unfair maybe...but still funny. Especially when Asher tries to retaliate. Mos definitely worth watching this drama unfold.

Words from Copy...

Diss #1:

“You’ve got to be able to spit and come with original shit, not some paved master plan, but then again the first CD you bought was Dave Matthews band.”

Asher's Response:

Pretty weak.

And...the inevitable follow-up by Copywrite:

The video is wack...but he gets his point across. Waiting on Asher's response.

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